- Web Intelligence formula produces a #MULTIVALUE error with block filter if the IN context is expressed within a variable rather than in the formula in a cell
- Web Intelligence variable displays #MULTIVALUE for formula with WHERE if filter added to block and "IN" context is in a variable within another variable
- BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
- Web Intelligence
SAP BusinessObjects BI Edge 3.1, version with data integration (not for SAP ERP) ; SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
WebI, WebIntelligence, Web Intelligence, variable, formula, MULTI, MULTIVALUE, #MULTIVALUE, context, IN, statement, clause, where, block, filter, report, level, object, data, incorrect, results, not correct, display, show, error, cell, field, complex, upgrade, migrate, report,d ocument, add, remove, ADAPT01527341, ADAPT1527341, ADAPT, 01527341, 1527341 , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Bug Filed
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