- When an object is set to unavailable in the Result, Conditions and Sort in Designer, it should be impossible to add that object to the Results Panel in the Interactive Analysis desktop (WebI Rich Client) or in Java Report Panel (advanced editor) in BI Launchpad
- It is impossible to drag and drop these restricted objects to the results Panel, but it is possible to double click on the object to add it
- When the query containing the restricted object is refreshed, an error is displayed
- SAP Business Intelligence Platform 4.0 (BI 4)
- SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
- Web Intelligence
- Interactive Analysis
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0
WebI, WebIntelligence, Web Intelligence, XI4, XI 4, Aurora, Interactive Analysis, WRC, Rich Client, desktop, tool, client, 2-tier, 3-tier, report, panel, results, query, double, click, doubleclick, drag, drop, object, variable, dimension, measure, cannot, use, can't be, used, available, not available, unavailable, be able, able to, run, refresh, add, move, display, show, see, ADAPT01494681, ADAPT1494681, ADAPT, 01494681, 1494681 , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Bug Filed
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