- BI Services relies on timeouts to release the microcube memory associated with a given user from the Web Intelligence Processing Server
- There is a delay between when a user closes the Xcelsius dashboard and when memory is released by the WebI Processing Server
- Timeouts are shared between Xcelsius and Web Intelligence, so setting timeouts too low could adversely affect WebI users
- Higher timeouts leads to a build-up of memory use by WebI causing performance degradation and potential "memory full" errors or termination of active requests
- SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
- Web Intelligence
- Xcelsius
- BI Services
- Web Services
BusinessObjects Knowledge Accelerator 2008, version for BusinessObjects Xcelsius ; SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
WebI, WebIntelligence, Web Intelligence, dashboard, performance management, pm, epm, Xcelsius, Xcelcius, Xselcius, Xselsius, live office, BI, services, svc, timeout, time out, memory, management, usage, resource, load, render, retrieve, element, report, document, close, end, release, high, raise, ADAPT01513138, ADAPT1513138, ADAPT, 01513138, 1513138 , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Product Enhancement
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