Crystal Report’s Parameter name does not get localized through CrystalReportViewer's parameters panel
- JRC 12.2.211
- JDK 1.5
Reproducing the Issue
How to reproduce the issue:
1) Create a report with a parameter named in English in Crystal Report Designer.
2) Load the report in a web application based on Java Reporting Components SDK
Set the Browser’s language to either Korean or Japanese or Chinese (Simplified or Traditional)
3) Run the Web application to view the report with parameter.
The name of the parameter in the parameter panel remains in English despite the browser’s locale set to either Korean or Japanese or Chinese (Simplified or Traditional) language. We notice however that the names of the viewer’s controls such as “Group Tree”, “Parameters” and “Main Report” get translated. Refer to the attached screenshot.
This is by Design: the parameters' names are not localized.
Localize CrystalReport's parameters; Localized parameters , KBA , BI-DEV-JAV , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - Java , Product Enhancement