- Install Explorer 3.2SP2 onto where Edge BI 3.1 SP3 is already installed is successfully done
- InfoView and CMC gets the same issue described in SAP KB 1562807 happens
- The issue actually happened before but it was solved by applying the workaround of the KB and InfoView and CMC worked fine until Explorer was installed
- SAP BusinessObjects Edge BI 3.1 Service Pack 3 (SP3)
- WebApplicationContainerServer (WACS)
- SAP BusinessObjects Explorer 3.2 Service Pack 2 (3.2SP2)
SAP BusinessObjects BI Edge 3.1, standard package (not for SAP ERP) ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Edge 3.1, standard package ; SAP BusinessObjects Explorer XI 3.1
login, log in, failed, tomcat, 1562807
, KBA , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , BI-RA-EXP , Obsolete: Polestar, Explorer , Problem
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