Some companies prefer to use a third party web based authentication system like OBLIX. This KBA (Knowledge Based Article) explains what this feature is, how it works and then provides steps to configure it.
A third party web based authentication system uses a special web server to authenticate all users. So for example, a PCM web user will launch the PCM web interface in Internet Explorer. However; instead of getting the PCM web login page they will be presented with the third party web based authentication system login. After logging in they will be passed through to the PCM web server and the usual PCM web client interface will be displayed. At this stage the user is now logged into the PCM system but this was done via the third party web based authentication system.
- SAP Profitability and Cost Management 7.5 (PCM)
- SAP Profitability and Cost Management 10.0 (PCM)
EPM, EPO, EPM-PCM, SAP-PCM, SBOP PCM, confg, web , KBA , EPM-PCM-CFG , Configuration , How To
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