When executing a job containing an ABAP Data flow there are error messages:
- (12.2) 03-16-11 13:23:49 (E) (3844:4840) FIL-052008: |Data flow <data flow name> FTP could not transfer file <file name> from host <hostname>: <>. Please ensure that the FTP relative path for the SAP server working directory is set correctly such that the data file is accessible to the FTP program. Also, ensure that the target path, where the transferred file is written to, is correct.
- Data Services FTP transfer for ABAP integration is giving error "Data flow <data flow name> FTP could not transfer file" although the file exists on the ftp server.
FTP could not transfer file" while running an ABAP - Data Services"> Read more...
- Data Services XI 3.X
- FTP server
SAP Data Services XI 3.2
FTP, AL_Engine, FTPRetryInterval, FTPNumberOfRetry, timeout, network, file location, job server, DSConfig.txt, connection, file location, protocol , KBA , EIM-DS , Data Services , Problem
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