How to show all the sections of the report when Drilling down on Gruoup Headers in crystal Reports?
- Crystal Reports 2008
- Crystal Reports XIR2
Reproducing the Issue
- Create a report on Xtreme Sample Database.
- Insert the Customer table from the Database expert.
- Insert the field "Cutomer name" in the Details section.
- Click on the "Report" from the menu bar.
- Select "Group expert" from the list, Group Expert dialog box appears.
- Select country and region as two groups under "Group By" section.
- Refresh the report.
- Drill Down on Group Header1.
- We see only five sections(GH1, GH2, Details, GF2, GF1) appearing.
- We do not see Report Header, Report Footer, Page Header and Page Footer sections of the report.
- Go to the "Design" tab of the report.
- Click on "File" from the menu bar.
- Select "Report Options" from the list.
- Check the checkbox "Show All Headers On Drill Down".
- Drill Down on any one Group Header.
- You will see all the sections of the report on Drill Down.
All Sections, Drill Down, Group Header, Crystal Reports , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , How To
Crystal Reports Server 2008 V1