Crystal Reports does not display the Header or Footer of the inserted Word document.
- Crystal Reports 2008
- Microsoft Office 2003,2007
Reproducing the Issue
- Create a report and insert an OLE object using the option "Create from File" and choose the word document, which has header and footer in it.
- Place the OLE object in any of the section in your report.
- By default only the first page of the document can be seen, without the header and footer in crystal report.
The issue is ‘By Design’.
- Create a PDF document of the Word Document, which will include the header and footer of the word document
- Place the PDF document in any of the section in crystal report and you can see the header and footer of the document on the report
Note: If you want to include multiple pages then for every page you need to create a PDF document
Microsoft Word, Header, Footer, OLE Object , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Problem
Crystal Reports 2008 V1