In Weblogic 10 Portal when attempting to compile the web project for the portlets you are met with errors such as :
BOBJPortlet cannot be resolved TitanWebPortal/WebContent/jsp LogonForm.jsp line 25 1292007724335 15275
Attribute value (1.) not closed. TitanWebPortal/WebContent/jsp/help/ja documents.htm line 63 1292007724819 15450
CeKind cannot be resolved TitanWebPortal/WebContent/jsp/explore ExplorerView.jsp line 68 1292007724319 15094
CeKind cannot be resolved TitanWebPortal/WebContent/jsp/explore ExplorerView.jsp line 69 1292007724319 15095
- SAP BusinessObjects XI 3.1
- SAP BusinessObjects XI 3.1 Weblogic Portal Integration Kit
- Oracle Weblogic 10 Portal
weblogic, 10, compile, errors, project, validate , KBA , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , Problem
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