Dynamic Parameter shows old List of Values even after adding new Records in the Database
- Business Objects 3.1
- Crystal Reports 2008
Reproducing the Issue
- Create a sample Crystal Report named "Test_LOV" using "Customer" table in "Xtreme" sample Database
- In Crystal Reports Designer Launch "Field Explorer"
- Create a Dynamic Parameter on "Customer.Customer ID" field
- Publish the Report on Business Objects Enterprise.This will create the LOV Structure in Business View Manager
- Now open the "Xtreme" sample Database in MS Access
- Open "Customer" table and add a new Record with "Customer ID" = *123
- Save the table and close MS Access
- Refresh Crystal Report "Test_LOV" in Designer or in InfoView
- The Parameter on "Customer.Customer ID" will show old LOV with new record Customer ID = *123 missing
The Data Connection preserves the structure of LOV and any Database changes are not reflected at "Data Foundation level". This can be tested by browsing the "Customer.Custpmer ID" field in the "Data Foundation". After making the changes in Database, browse the "Customer.Custpmer ID" in "Data Foundation". The new records would not reflect
- Launch Business View Manager and create a new connection "Connection_new" pointing to "Xtreme" Sample database
- Save the connection in any folder in Repository
- Open the Data foundation of old LOV and browse to the "Customer" table in left side panel
- Right click on "Customer" table and choose "Set Table Location"
- This will launch "Set Table Location" window with Add Connection option on top
- Select "Add Connection" and Browse to "Connection_new" and click on "Set"
- Click on "OK"
- Launch Crystal Report "Test_LOV" and refresh the report
- Now the List of Value would include *123
Business View Manager, LOV not updating,List of Value,Crystal Reports,Browse Data in Data foundation , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Problem