- Refreshing a WebIntelligence report based on an OLAP data source in the Mobile application from a handheld device (e.g. Blackberry) results in an empty table in report - no data is returned but there is no error message.
- The first refresh from the Mobile app does not generate any MDX (therefore results in empty table).
- Refreshing a WebI report in Mobile and selecting prompt values different to the ones previously selected and run in Infoview causes an empty table (no data returned).
- A second refresh returns data but when then drilling on any object value residing at top level of custom hierarchy from Universe causes empty table with no data.
- BO Enterprise XI R 3.1 SP3 Server with FP 3.3 installed (on all components: Int. Kit for SAP,mobile,enterprise, client tools etc)
- SAP BI 7.01 (EP1) SP08
- Blackberry mobile 9700 model running version Blackberry OS.
SAP BusinessObjects Mobile XI 3.1
KBA , BI-BIP-MOB , Obsolete;use:MOB-APP-BI-BB Blackberry,MOB-APP-BI-SRV server , Bug Filed
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