- Normal parameter prompt window displays in InfoView
- Some reports displays the SAP Parameter prompt window, some report display the normal parameter prompt window in InfoView
- Crystal Reports based off multiple SAP data source displays the normal parameter prompt screen in InfoView
- Crystal Reports 2008
- BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
- SAP Integration Kit for BusinessObjects XI 3.1
Reproducing the Issue
- In the SAP BEx Query Designer, create an SAP BW BEx Query with one variable
- In Crystal Reports, create a report off the SAP BW BEx Query
- Add a subreport based off any SAP data source from a different SAP System. ( SAP BW MDX Query, or SAP Table, Cluster of Function )
- Save the report to BusinessObjects Enterprise or save the report to SAP BW and publish it to BuisnessObjects Enterprise
- Login InfoView, and schedule the report.
- In the “Parameter” option, notice the prompt screen for the parameter is the regular prompt screen for Crystal Reports, and not the SAP prompt screen.
- By default, when viewing a report in InfoView that is created in Crystal Reports off multiple different SAP data source that uses variables, it will display the normal parameter prompt screen.
To display the SAP prompt screen in InfoView for reports that are based off different SAP data source, enable the option:, in the web.xml file of the web application. To enable the option:
- On your BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 server, go to the following folder:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55\webapps\PartnerPlatformService\WEB-INF
Note: The beginning of the path may be different if you have chosen to install the product on a different drive or folder.
- Make a backup copy of the file: web.xml
- Edit the file: web.xml and add the following code:
Note: You may already have the above code in the web.xml file. If it is present, it is by default commented out by being surrounded by the tags <!-- --> If it's the case, then you simply have to remove the tags that comment out the code.
- Save the change.
- Restart the web application server ( Tomcat by default )
After performing the above, you will then be able to see the SAP Prompt Screen in InfoView for reports based off multiple SAP data source.
SAP Integration Kit, SAP Pormpt Screen, CR, Crystal Reports, variable, parameter , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Problem