Symptom (1)
You see the error message "Errors in source system" (Message no. RSM340) in the Status tab for the load monitor (transaction RSMO or RSRQ) when performing a delta load.
Error message from the source system
An error occurred in the source system.
System Response
Caller 09 contains an error message.
Furthermore, the following conditions apply:
- There are no errors in the respective background job log on the source system side
- If you have more than one server (SM51), the job may run okay sometimes and fail other times
- The issue usually affects timestamp based DataSources, i.e. ROOSOURCE-GENDELTAFD='TIMESTAMP' -- e.g. 0FI_GL_* , 0EC_PCA_3, 0FI_GL_10, 0CO_OM_CCA_9, etc.
Symptom (2)
Run RODPS_REPL_TEST for DataSources (e.g. 2LIS_02_HDR) with replication mode D and following error occurs:
Error while extracting data: DataSource 2LIS_02_HDR, package 000000
Deviation of * seconds between qRFC counter * and current time *
SAP ERP Central Component
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
- SAP NetWeaver 7.X
RSM, 340, RSQU*101, 0CO_OM_CCA_9, 0EC_PCA_3, 0FI_AR_4, 0FI_GL_4, 0FI_GL_10, 0FI_GL_14, 3FI_GL_xx_TT, 3FI_GL_xx_TT, 1_CO_PA, RSC2_QOUT_CONFIRM_DATA, RSDBTIME, process chain, infopackage, 0FI_ACDOCA_20, 0FI_ACDOCA , KBA , BC-BW , BW Service API , BC-BW-ODP , Operational Data Provisioning (ODP) and Delta Queue (ODQ) , Problem
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