Check db job is now showing some tablespaces reporting "IN_WRONG_TABLESPACE". The errors like below can be seen in the BRCONNECT log:
BR0970W Database aministration alert - level: WARNING, type: IN_WRONG_TABLESPACE, object: (index) <index_name>, value: PSAPS<SID>
BR0989W Unknown tablespace PSAP<SID> defined in table <"owner". "table_name" for table data class '<TABART>'
In the first error (which is the most common one), the 'object' refers to either an "Index", "table" and sometimes "partition" along with the object name.
This helps you to indentify which object is having the issue
- Oracle Any version
- Any OS Platform
- Netweaver any version
SAP NetWeaver all versions
Data class, tabart, BR0989W , KBA , BC-DB-ORA-DBA , Database Administration , Problem
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