- While trying to start the J2EE server, the operation fails due to the individual services failing and similar errors as below are logged in the trace files (default trace file, std_server<x> and dev_server<x>):
"Service error. Nested exception is: java.lang.InterruptedException Service MigrationService error. Nested exception is: java.lang.InterruptedException Classload error; cannot load service naming because referenced component tivoli not found. Classload error; cannot load service connector because an error in loading referenced service naming occurred Classload error; cannot load service com.adobe~ DataManagerService because an error in loading referenced service naming occurred.# Classload error; cannot load service com.adobe~TrustManagerService because an error in loading referenced service naming occurred.#Unrecoverable error thrown while processing tasks:at java. lang. Thread.stop"
- SAP release 640 and 700
jcmon, instance startup, SAP MMC,webdynpro , KBA , BC-JAS-SF , Startup Framework , Problem
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