- Any change to the Page Setup dialog throws Memory Full error (even just bringing up the dialog and clicking ok)
- The reports were created as landscape but are displaying as portrait in Page Setup and in design view
- Windows 7 32-bit
- Crystal 2008 designer
- Kyocera KM-5050 printer
- The printer driver was incorrectly removed and then re-added
- To remove a printer correctly follow these steps:
- Click on the Start Orb on your Vista taskbar. Click Control Panel
- From the Control panel window, double-click Administrative Tools
- In the Administrative Tools window, select Print Management
- The Print Management window will already have custom filters listed which will show all installed printers
- You should see all of the installed drivers (driver packages) and printers
- Confirm the printer deletion
- Proceed up to the Drivers category under the (local) computer
- Right-click the listing for your printer and select Remove Driver Package from the menu
- You will see a Print Management dialog appear as the system locates all associated files and prepares for the deletion process. Once the files are located, the Delete button will become accessible
memory full print printer blank field empty , KBA , BI-RA-CR-DSL , Crystal Reports on C++ Data Semantic Layer (ClassicUniverse) , How To
Crystal Reports 2008 V1