- An error has occurred while choosing VBA add-ins in Desktop Intelligence when there is double-byte word in the path of My Documents.
- The error message is like that "C:\&&&&\My Business Objects Documents\userDocs Path does not exist. Verify the correct path was given". From the error message notice that the path of My Documents was shown as garbled text.
- SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise (BOE) XI 3.1 Service Pack (SP) 3
- Desktop Intelligence (DeskI)
- Windows Server 2003 Japanese Edition
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
DeskI, 01529845, 1529845, ADAPT, corrupt, XI3.1, XI3.1 SP3 , KBA , BI-RA-DKI , Obsolete - Desktop Intelligence , BI-RA-DKI-CLT , Obsolete - Desktop Intelligence Client , Bug Filed
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