Your BW master data load fails with the following RSDMD 194 error, viewable in the Details tab of the load monitor:
- &1: Data record &2 ('&3'): Version '&4' is not valid
Message no. RSDMD194
where &1 is the characteristic's tech. name, and &2 is the record number in datapackage.
There may be some additional errors mentioned in the monitor, such as:
- Too many error records - update terminated
Message no. RSM2706 - Error occurred in UPDATE_INFOCUBE for data target <technical name>
Message no. RSAU499
- SAP NetWeaver
PSA, masterdata, error 4, RSAR 119, RSM2 704, RSM2 706, RSDMD 190, RSAU 499, BRAIN060, BRAIN 060, BRAIN60, RSKC, ALL_CAPITAL, RSD1, permitted, DTP, HEX, Georgian, character, lower, case, RRSV_VALUE_CHECK_PLAUSIBILITY , KBA , BW-WHM-DBA-MD , Master Data , BW-WHM-DST , Data Staging , BW-WHM-DBA , Data Basis , BW4-DM-MD , Masterdata , BW4-ME-IOBJ , InfoObjects , Problem
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