- Page range entered into the Crystal Reports viewer print dialog is ignored
Reproducing the Issue
- Create a multi-page report
- Create a Windows application that displays the report in the Crystal Reports viewer for VS .NET 2003
- Run the application and click on the Print button in the viewer toolbar
- In the Print dialog, enter a page range - for example pages 2-3
- Instead of pages 2 and 3, the whole report will be printed
- Hide the viewer print button (CrystalReportViewer1.ShowPrintButton = False)
- Use the .PrintToPrinter method to select the page range and print the report
- The above is a work-around only
- The issue has been escalted for a resolution
- ADAPT01539143
- Update, August 25, 2011
- This escalation was rejected by R&D
- Reason; Not a Crystal Reports problem
- Explanation:
This is a MS framework 1.1 issue. An application (attached) not using the Crystal Reports APIs exhibits the same issue.
The same application using 2.0 framework works as expected.
page selection form printer , KBA , BI-DEV-NET-SDK , .NET SDK / COM SDK , Problem
Crystal Reports 2008 V1
Attachments |