A TIME_OUT dump is thrown when you select the Monitor for Processed XML Messages in SXMB_MONI (or SXI_MONITOR).
You will see a corresponding dump in transaction ST22.
- PI Release Independent
- SAP NetWeaver
- SAP Process Integration
Process Integration 7.0, PI 7.0, PI 7.01, PI 7.02, Process Integration 7.10, PI 7.10, Process Integration 7.11, PI 7.11, Process Integration 7.30, PI 7.30, Process Integration 7.31, PI 7.31, 7.4, PI 7.4, 7.5, PI 7.5, NetWeaver, XI , TIME_OUT, TIMEOUT, time out, dump, SXMB_MONI, runtime dumps, Performance, hang, hanging, message monitor, message monitoring, PI, XI, oracle, database, db, runtime dumps, time limit exceeded, Monitor for processed XML messages, Oracle DB statistics, oracle, performance, lazy, takes time, timing out, CL_XMS_PERSIST_ADM, CL_XMS_ADM_PERSIST============CP , KBA , BC-XI-IS-IEN , Integration Engine , BC-XI-IS , Integration Server , How To
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