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1582816 - PCM/FIM Integration #5: Configure the groups and users in the CMS and PCM


FIM v7.5 Integration

  1. Install the PCM Web Server (KBA: 1582799)
  2. Install the CMS and configure PCM to CMS Enterprise authentication (KBA: 1582788)
  3. Configure the FIMService and enable ASP.NET (KBA: 1582824)
  4. Configure PCM to FIM integration (KBA: 1582843)
  5. Configure the groups and users in the CMS and PCM (KBA: 1582816)
  6. Install Data Services (KBA: 1582844)
  7. Install and configure FIM (KBA: 1582835)
  8. Test PCM-FIM integration (KBA: 1587199)


Configure the groups and users in the CMS and PCM (KBA: 1582816)

  1. FIM1: Creating user groups in the Central Management Console (FIM Install Guide 4.5.1).
  2. FIM1: Creating users in the Central Management Console (FIM Install Guide 4.5.2).
  3. APP1: Create users in PCM and synchronise them with those in the CMC.



  • SAP Profitability Cost Management (PCM) v7.5
  • SAP Financial Information Management (FIM) v7.5


SAP Financial Information Management 7.5 ; SAP Profitability and Cost Management 7.5


EPM, EPO, EPM-SAP, SAP-PCM, SBOP PCM, FIM, CMS, FIM users and groups, synchronize CMS users into PCM, model list, Central Mangement Server , KBA , EPM-PCM-CFG , Configuration , EPM-FIM , Financial Information Management (FIM) , How To

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