When scheduling several jobs at the same time, after a few moment, the following error message appears :
(11.7) 01-26-11 01:06:46 (28394:0004) JobServer: BODI-850026: Bus Error
(11.7) 01-26-11 01:06:46 (28394:11112) JobServer: BODI-850048:StartJob : Job '01_26_2011_01_06_43_76873__00000-21028892220622107145238146100100000000000010420001' with pid '22919' is kicked off
(11.7) 01-26-11 01:07:21 (23599:0001) JobServer: BODI-850035: --------------------------------------------------
(11.7) 01-26-11 01:07:21 (23599:0001) JobServer: BODI-850036: Job Server Started...
(11.7) 01-26-11 01:07:22 (23599:0001) JobServer: BODI-850277: Job server uses <300+3> threads for processing and can handle requests from only <50> Data Integrator Designer applications. The number of threads does not include threads necessary for adapter, SNMP and load balance processing.
(11.7) 01-26-11 01:07:22 (23599:0001) JobServer: BODI-850038: WARNING: This JS will therefore NOT support SNMP
(11.7) 01-26-11 01:07:22 (23599:0001) JobServer: BODI-850044: Binding server to address inet:stream:ANY:3500.
(11.7) 01-26-11 01:07:22 (23599:0004) JobServer: BODI-850271: Thread pool size for processing log file requests set to <100>.
(11.7) 01-26-11 01:07:22 (23599:0001) JobServer: BODI-850005: crontab: you are not authorized to use cron. Sorry. From root authority add the user name 'bdipcdi1' as an entry in the file '/usr/lib/cron/cron.allow' before scheduling jobs. stopped
- Business Objects Data Services (BO DS)
- Business Objects Data Integrator (BO DI)
- Any supported Operating System.
BODI-850026 850026 Schedule Bus error , KBA , EIM-DS , Data Services , EIM-DI , Data Integrator, Composer , Problem
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