Using BFC on SQL Server 2008, the consolidation takes a very long time
The system seems to be stuck at 99%, but eventually it completes after several hours
The 'save' phase of the consolidation takes the largest part, and the technical log shows "costly execution" with an execution time of more than one hour on a single SQL statement, see below
04-22-11 00:05:54 PID=3956 THD=4092 USR=NRAWJE01 MSG=0 WARN system.database.command.dml - [Request 2274] - Costly query execution - SELECT DISTINCT a1."id", a2."id" FROM ct_pc_entry a1 LEFT OUTER JOIN ct_entry_embedded_file a2 ON (a1."id" = a2."ownerobject_id") WHERE (a1."id" IN (SELECT DISTINCT a3."id" FROM ct_pc_entry a3, ##Uys89gq84g5ex a4 WHERE ((a3."phase_id" = ?) AND (a3."update_period_id" = ?) AND (a3."entity_id" = a4."entity") AND (a3."user_entry_number" = a4."enumber") AND (a3."journal_id" = a4."journal") AND (a3."globorig" = a4."globorig") AND (a3."status" >= ?) AND NOT a4."techorig" IN (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?))) AND NOT a1."entry_version" IN (SELECT DISTINCT a5."entry_version" FROM ct_co_entry a5 WHERE ((a5."phase_id" = ?) AND (a5."update_period_id" = ?) AND (a5."scope_id" = ?) AND (a5."variant_id" = ?) AND (a5."curncyconso_id" = ?) AND (a5."user_entry_number" = a1."user_entry_number") AND (a5."journal_id" = a1."journal_id") AND (a5."globorig" = a1."globorig")))) ORDER BY a1."id" - 0 row(s) affected - duration 4054.53 s
SAP Financial Consolidation ALL versions (FC)
consolidation save, 99%, index rebuild , KBA , 3rd party tools config and system admin , EPM-BFC-PRO , Consolidations,Scopes,Rules,Transfers , Problem
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