- Suitelink processing is enabled.
- Job runs successfully when Suitelink processing is disabled.
- Job runs successfully when only URAC or Data Cleanse are in the dataflow.
- Error: "Parsing Files Error - Name Parsing Files initialization failed . . "
- There is a USA Regulatory Address Cleanse (URAC) transform with Suitelink processing enabled in the dataflow as well as a Data Cleanse transform in the dataflow.
- Error: "RUN-050406: |Session <<jobname>>|Work flow <<workflowname>>|Data flow <<dataflowname>> Data flow <dataflowname> received a bad system message. Message text from the child process is”
Data Services XI 3.2
SAP Data Services XI 3.2
DSXI, BODS, DS XI , KBA , EIM-DS , Data Services , Bug Filed
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