You want to block some units of measure, such as KGM (kilogram), MTQ (cubic meter) and MTR (meter). You find that you are not able to block them, as system raises an error stating that the Save failed.
SAP Business ByDesign.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the work center Business Configuration.
- Select the view Implementation Projects.
- Choose button Open Activity List.
- Find activity Quantities and Units of Measure in the step of Fine-Tuning.
- Choose Create and maintain physical units in the pop-up window.
- Try to block some quantities and units of measure such as KGM (kilogram), MTQ (cubic Meter) and MTR (meter), changing them from status Released to Blocked.
You will find the error Save failed.
Some released units, such as KGM, MTQ and MTR, cannot be blocked because they are Standard International units. These units' status must always be Released, because other units have conversion factors depending on them.
This is the standard system behavior.
For other regular units, the following description is the principle for the status changes of UoM:
- An unit cannot be changed back to In Preparation once it is Released or Blocked.
- When a new unit is created, it can be created with status In Preparation. In this status, it cannot be used for transactional data.
- Once the status is changed to Released, it can be used for transactional data.
- Once a Released unit is no longer intended for use, it can be Blocked. If required, it can be Released again.
Quantities, Units of Measure, KGM, MTQ, MTR, Standard International, Blocked, Released , KBA , AP-RC-QC , Quantity Conversion , How To