You are experiencing an incorrect behavior in the planning modeler. For example:
- The user is getting "You do not have authorization for InfoCube XXX" error message, but he/she has enough authorization to display the infoprovider;
- The user is getting different behavior while running a planning sequence from the planning modeler and from web or workbook;
- Business Warehouse BW 7.0x, Business Intelligence BI 7.0x
- Integrated Planning IP 7.0x, Planning modeler 7.0x
SAP NetWeaver 7.0 ; SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 ; SAP enhancement package 2 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0
Planning modeler, authorization error, rsplan, BW-PLA-IP, Business Warehouse BW 7.0x, Business Intelligence BI 7.0x, Integrated Planning IP 7.0x, Planning modeler 7.0x, BI_METADATA, WD_ALV_METADATA_DEST , KBA , BW-PLA-IP-PMD , Planning Modeller , BW-PLA-IP , Integrated Planning , Problem
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