- Action of the name_pff rule duplicates input data.
- Data cleanse is duplicating the input nameline data.
- Why are one of the words showing up in two different output fields on output?
- Why does the family_name1 field and the given_name1 field contain the some of the same data?
- PERSON1_GIVEN_NAME1_PARSED and PERSON1_FAMILY_NAME1_PARSED contain some of the same data on output, leading to duplicate data.
- PERSON1_GIVEN_NAME1_STANDARDIZED and PERSON1_FAMILY_NAME1_STANDARDIZED contain some of the same data on output, leading to duplicate data.
Data Services
SAP Data Services XI 3.2
DSXI, DS XI, BODS, DC, drlrules.dat , KBA , EIM-DS , Data Services , Bug Filed
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