Description & Keywords defined in the report properties in Infoview are erased after the Crystal report(.rpt file) is imported to Crystal Designer and then re-exported to Enterprise.
Crystal Designer 2008
Business Objects Enterprise XI3.1
Reproducing the Issue
- Log in to Infoview.
- Select any Crystal report, right click and select properties.
- Fill the description area and the keywords area.
- Click on "OK".
- Import this report in Crystal Designer and re-export to enterprise.
- Login to infoview and check the description and key words of the report.
- It is blank.
"Report Refresh Options" control what rpt-file-stored properties are updated when the rpt file is updated, including Description and Keyword.
- Launch Crystal Designer.
- Go to File->Options->Reporting.
- Select the option - "Update connected repository objects on open".
- Import the report and then re-export.
- Launch Infoview and check the report properties.
- Description & keywords exist.
Description keywords erased disappeared , KBA , BI-BIP-CRS , SAP Crystal Server , Problem
Crystal Reports 2008 V1