Application is not accessible or server nodes hang. The dbpool connection error below logged into the server default traces.
SAP Netweaver AS JAVA 6.40 / 7.0X
"Caused Cannot get connection for 60 seconds. Possible reasons:1) Connections are cached within SystemThread(can be any server service or any code invoked within SystemThread in the SAP J2EE Engine), 2) The pool size of adapter "SAPFactory" is not enough according to the current load of the system or 3) The specified time to wait for connection is not enough according to the pool size and current load of the system. In case 1) the solution is to check for cached connections using the Connector Service list-conns command, in case 2) to increase the size of the pool and in case 3) to increase the time to wait for connection property. In case of application thread, there is an automatic mechanism which detects unclosed connections and unfinished transactions."
SAP Netweaver AS JAVA 7.10 and higher
" ResourceException occurred in method ConnectionFactoryImpl.getConnection(): javax.resource.ResourceException: (Failed in component: dbpool, BC-JAS-TRH) Cannot create connection. Possible reasons: 1)Maximum allowed connections to DB or EIS is reached. You can apply CSN Note 719778 in order to check and resolve connection leaks. 2) Configuration to DB/EIS is wrong or DB/EIS is temporary unreachable. 3) Connections are not enough for current load"
"Exception of type caught: No connection to data source SAPPP1DB available. All 50 pooled connections are in use and 45 connection requests are currently waiting. The connection pool size might need to be adjusted."
SAP Netweaver AS JAVA release independent
ICM running but no server with HTTP connected, SQLException occurred while creating ManagedConnection: No connection to data source, SQLException is thrown by the pooled connection:, ResourceException occurred in method ConnectionFactoryImpl.getConnection():, pooled connections, The connection pool size might need to be adjusted , KBA , BC-JAS-TRH , Transactions and Resource Handling , SV-PERF-JAS , SAP NetWeaver AS Java related performance issues , Problem
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