- In VA41/42/43 or VA01/02/03; the ITEM ->Excise Duty tab screen 8411 jumps to a subscreen with REPAIR as the tab description.
- If you click on the Repair tab, it will show the Excise Duty screen.
- If you click on the Excise tab, it will also go to the REPAIR subscreen.
This may occur after an upgrade.
- Sales And Distribution (SD)
- SAP R/3
- SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7
- SAP ERP Central Component
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
VA43, after, orden, para, auf, Duty, for, nach, may, in, VA41, REPAIR, shows, Duty, Sie, PREP, Geben, es, tab, oder, , description, type, secundaria, Wenn, show, In, VA010203, , la, 102, 52, als, für, TAXITABS, on, 0302, Siehe, Introduzca, T185, Flow, La, ITEM, pestaña, also, 102, Impuestos, Reparatur, Reparieren, tipo, anstelle, klicken, or, Artikel, Excise, You, impuestos, actualización, sales, will, debe, hace, de, that, 54, control, Go, duty, refers, gehen, , 02, see, note, T185, una, screen, TAXITABS, VFBS, OID2, The, ó, you, salta, VFBs, mit, und, Verbrauchsteuer, VA02VA03, nota, un, Item, después, SAP, order, o, Einträge, Si, transaction, P0, entrada, das, Repair, el, valor, SAPMV45A, subscreen, entradas, number, Abrir, 03, Since, artículo, también, code, einer, before, irá, flujo, function, VA414243, Control, sollte, VA42, Ändern, código, Seit, antes, kann, Esto, reparación, 42, pantalla, Desde, pedido, y, vor, refiere, it, Véase, kommt, Subscreen, This, VA01, muestra, Bildschirm, the, V0, , Auftragsart, función, Open, Aktualisierung, gezeigt, come, tab, to, que, instead, Registerkarte, Beschreibung, entry, Teil, auftreten, Dies, Repair, VBFS, con, OID2, SAPMV45A, , VA03, is, zeigt, Control, lugar, clic, should, subscreen, Zum, Change, SAPMV45B, an, F0, PUNTO, mostrará, of, como, ist, von, especiales, 43, If, Bildschirm, entries, en, 8411, jumps, Cambiar, Reparieren, REPARACIÓN, VA02, VA42VA43, Excise, See, Enter, transacción, se, las, Especiales, einem, with, shown, springt, go, SAPHinweis, werden, Kundenauftragsnummer, as, P0, Funktionscode, sehen, puede, Öffnen, número, screen, al, Repairs, En, REPAIR, 746422, wird, VFBS, dass, especiales, bezieht, subpantalla, sein, upgrade, auch, Reparaturen, Eintrag, ocurrir, and, SAPMV45B, cliente, Transaktion, Der, 42, Verá, der, RAS, click, reparaciones, VFBS, ficha, a, vienen, Ir, , occur, , be, ser, die, V0 , KBA , SD-SLS-SO , Sales Orders , IS-OIL , Oil , How To
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