SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1601025 - Limitations in the Electronic Invoice for Mexico


Electronic Invoice for Mexico has been delivered with the following limitations:

  1. Receipt of partial payment and delivery note are not supported.
  2. Only schema version 3.0 is supported.
  3. The Addenda xml tag is not supported.
  4. The following xml tags valid for all industries are not supported:
  • Impuestos Locales 
  • Donativos Donatarias

    5.   The following industry-specific xml tags are not supported:

  • For the retail industry: Sector de ventas al detalle ("Detallista")
  • For service providers authorized by the Mexican tax authorities to approve and sign electronic invoices (PAC): Proveedor de Servicios Autorizado:
  • For oil companies and petrol stations: Estado de cuenta de combustibles de monederos electrónicos como Factura Electrónica
  • For companies that receive donations: Donativos “Donatarias”
  • For money exchange companies  Compra venta de “Divisas”
  • For banks or any companies issuing Digital Bank Statement:  Estados de Cuenta Bancario "ECB" 

    6. Pedimento is not supported.

  • Pedimento is a document that companies receive from customs when acquiring goods abroad. The document number, its creation date and authority identification should be given in the invoices in case imported goods are sold in Mexico.

Reproducing the Issue

Not applicable; The functionality was not developed in the current releases.


This functionality is not supported in the current release.


Not applicable


KBA , SRD-FIN-ACC , Financial Accounting , Product Enhancement


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