'Expert sans light' and 'Expert sans regular' fonts are not getting included in font drop down list of chart legend entry dialog box in Crystal Reports
Crystal Reports 2008
Reproducing the Issue
- Install the mentioned fonts in C:\Windows > Font folder
- Create a crystal report and observe the fonts are present in main font drop down list.
- Make a chart and edit the chart legend to open chart legend entry dialog box. The fonts are not listed here.
- This functionality does not currently exist in the product.
- 'Expert Sans Light' and 'Expert Sans Regular' fonts are of type .PFM
- The format legend entry dialog box do not include any font other than .TTF
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- Click on Chart Expert
- Access Text tab
- Choose Legend title > Font to see .PFM fonts
fonts, expert sans light, expert sans regular, .pfm, .ttf, chart legend , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Product Enhancement