- Receive the following error in an Xcelsius Dashboard: Cannot Access External Data Connection failed.
- The server has reached the maximum number of simultaneous connections. (Error: RWO 00239)
Note: At the bottom of popup shows a number such as 1/7 and an OK button
- Xcelsius 2008
- QAAWS - XI3.1 SP3
Reproducing the Issue
Refresh an Xcelsius object that is based on a QAAWS datasource - whether that be manually or on an automated schedule.
The Web Intelligence Report server has run out of connections. The message is indicating that there are no available WebIntelligence Report Servers to process the request.
In the CMC, under the WebIntelligence properties, you can set a property - maximum connections. This in effect controls how many jobs a WebIntelligence server will take on. You can check how many are being used in the metrics section of the WebIntelligence Report Server.
- One option is to increase maximum connections number to allow additional connections which will allow the objects to run as long as there are some connections available.
- Another option is to add additional WebIntelligence Report Server.
WARNING: This change must be done with care as a WebIntelligence report server has a finite amount of memory and processor resources so in many cases it may be required to add another WebIntelligence report server altogether (whether that be on the same machine if there are still resources available there or perhaps another host).
KBA , BI-RA-XL , Obsolete: BusinessObjects Dashboards and Presentation Design , How To