- Strikethrough does not show on multi-byte space character(s) when viewing the report through .NET application
- Crystal Reports 2008 V1
- Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2008
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
- Multi-Byte character
Reproducing the Issue
- Install Japanese fonts into your machine.
- Create a new Crystal Reports report.
- Insert Text Object into the Report Header.
- Type the multi-byte space character in the Text Object. (e.g. あい うえ ☆★ □■ 12 34)
- Select Text Object and right click and click Format Object.
- Click Font tab.
- Select "MS PGothic" as Font.
- Select "Regular" as Style.
- Select "10" as Size.
- Check Strikeout and click OK.
- Save it.
- View the report through .NET application, strikethrough does not show on multi-byte space character. (e.g. あい うえ ☆★ □■ 12 34)
The issue has been identified and tracked under ID ADAPT01563693.
The issue is scheduled to be fixed in a future Service Pack.
Workaround: exporting to PDF, instead of viewing through Windows Form viewer and printing to printer.
Strikethrough, underline, ActiveX Viewer, fonts, Strikeout font, multiple bytes, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, double byte , KBA , BI-DEV-NET , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - .NET or Other , Bug Filed
Crystal Reports 2008 V1 ; SAP Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio .NET 2008