When you release the times recorded in Edit Time Sheet, system may throw the exception/dump.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Home work center.
- Select the Self-Services Overview view.
- Select the Edit Time Sheet link.
- Update the times and select the Release button and choose Release All.
- System may throw the exception.
The exception is caused by inconsistent setup of the time account type XYZ in Business Configuration which is used by time recordings.
In the Business Configuration work center, if the time account type is configured as Recurring, but the Bookable To date is set to Unlimited, this configuration is suspicious and most likely not intended, because for a recurring yearly time account the new account instance is created each year so Unlimited in Bookable To does not make sense.
The reasonable configuration would be to set up the account type either as Permanent in the Creation field, or to choose the value in the Bookable To field to something like End of time account.
After changing account configuration in Business Configuration, it is normally required to trigger a time valuation correction run, as this cannot be done by the system automatically for all affected employees.
You should double check the setting of Business Configuration for time account type XYZ, in particular the recurrence setting and the rule in the Bookable To field.
If you correct something in the Business Configuration, a correction run has to be performed for each affected employee, i.e. each employee who uses this time type for time recording. A correction run can be triggered as below:
- Go to the Time Administration work center.
- Select the Regular Tasks view.
- Select Run Day Closure for One employee and for mass process select Administer Day Closure Runs.
The correction run's start date should be the end date of the earliest account instance which is affected by the Business Configuration change, or earlier.
In a future release, system will throw some error messages rather than the exception for this case.
KBA , edit time sheet , times recorded , SRD-HR-TLM , Time and Labour Management , Product Enhancement