Why do we see the below warning repeatedly in Mobi Authentication server logs, at times running thousands of times…
2011.07.12 00:00:00 AUTH_SERVER.VMP_SYS_NET <WARN > Cannot ACCEPT due to incomplete negotiation
2011.07.12 00:00:00 AUTH_SERVER.VMP_SYS_NET <WARN > Cannot ACCEPT due to incomplete negotiation
2011.07.12 00:00:03 AUTH_SERVER.VMP_SYS_NET <WARN > Cannot ACCEPT due to incomplete negotiation
2011.07.12 00:00:03 AUTH_SERVER.VMP_SYS_NET <WARN > Cannot ACCEPT due to incomplete negotiation
2011.07.12 00:00:05 AUTH_SERVER.VMP_SYS_NET <WARN > Cannot ACCEPT due to incomplete negotiation
BOXI3.1 Mobile server
BOXI3.1 Mobile AUTH_SERVER.VMP_SYS_NET ACCEPT incomplete negotiation , KBA , BI-BIP-MOB , Obsolete;use:MOB-APP-BI-BB Blackberry,MOB-APP-BI-SRV server , Problem
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