You have made some adjustment in the Org structure and when you try to Check or Activate the Org structure, system throws below error message:
DD1.MM1.YYYY1 to DD2.MM2.YYYY2; Employee(s) on Org Unit XYZ (Org Unit Name) must be below a Cost Center. It is also possible to flag the Org Unit to which the Employee is Assigned as a Cost Center
DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY; Org Unit XYZ (Org unit name) must be below a cost center. The org unit itself can also be flagged as a cost center.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Organizational Management work center.
- Select Edit Org Structures.
- Select the Org unit XYZ.
- Select Check or Activate button.
System throws above error message.
There are multiple causes which may lead to this error message. Few of them are as follows,
Cause 1:
The org unit XYZ have employee assignment from DD1.MM1.YYYY1 but you have made the cost center assignment from DD2.MM2.YYYY2.
So the ground rule is that if there is any employee assignment for an org unit then the org unit must be a costcenter. But in this case it should be, from DD1.MM1.YYYY1 to DD2.MM2.YYYY2 this org unit XYZ was not set as Cost center.
Cause 2:
You have maintained functions for the Org unit XYZ.
Checkboxes on the Functions tab are only allowed units marked as Cost center and Business Residence.
Resolution 1:
- Go to Organizational Management work center.
- Select Edit org structures.
- Set Effective from date as DD1.MM1.YYYY1.
- Highlight the org unit XYZ and go to Timelines tab.
- Change the Vaild From date to DD1.MM1.YYYY1 (which is same as the Valid from date of the employee assignment) for value Cost center.
- Check the consistency and then you can able to activate the Org structure.
Resolution 2:
- Go to Organizational Management work center.
- Select Edit Org Structure option under Common Tasks.
- Highlight the Org unit XYZ.
- Go to Functions tab.
- Uncheck the selected functions.
- Check and activate the Org Structure
KBA , AP-OM , Organisational Management , Product Enhancement