You need to reconstruct FM data from existing commitment documents such as Purchase Requisition, Purchase Orders, or Earmarked Funds.
SAP recommendation is do not use transaction FM_DLOI on a regular basis.
It is an expert tool not released for general use and should not be executed.
FM_DLOI deletes the line items of the commitment data in Funds Management for the documents selected and adjusts the corresponding totals records.
It resets the following tables:
- FMIOI (commitment documents in Funds Management)
- FMIOICCN (locked entries marked for the commitment in Funds Management)
Note: This table is only relevant for the Netherlands - FMIT (totals table for Funds Management)
Some questions arise concerning to settings and warnings.
SAP Note 2509919 introduces a popup indicating the same.
FM_DLOI, RFFMDLOI, FMN3N, FMN4N, FMN5N, FMIOI, FMMC, FMNSDN, FMIT, FMCCFD, KBA, FAQs, FMNSCN, FI570, FI 570, FMAVCT , KBA , PSM-FM-UP-CM , Commitments , SRM-EBP-SHP , Shopping Cart , SRM-EBP-POR , Local Purchase Order , PSM-GPR-POR , PPS Functions in Purchase Order , PSM-GPR-SHP , PPS Functions in Shopping Cart , How To
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