You, as a payroll administration, maintain the list of Social Insurance Funds in the system. But the valuehelp of Health Insurance Branch Office in employee's Complete Payroll Data task shows empty list.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Personnel Administration work center.
- Select the Work view.
- You can see Complete Payroll Data tasks. Highlight one and open it.
- Go to step 2 Social Insurance Data. Select the valuehelp of Health Insurance Branch Office. The list may be empty.
Even you maintain Social Insurance Funds in Personnel Administration, the Branch Office is not defined. This is why the valuehelp of Health Insurance Branch Office is empty.
- Go to the Personnel Administration work center.
- Select the Authorities view.
- Select the Show All Branch Offices. Choose the New Branch Office button to create new branch office.
KBA , SRD-HR-PAD , Personnel Administration , How To
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