Based on what SDK you need to include specific Jar files in your project\ appplication classpath.
Business Objects Enterprise XI 3.1
Jar files are located in: <bobj home>\common\4.0\java\lib and <bobj home>\common\4.0\java\lib\external which contains 3rd party jars required by Business Objects packages.
Here is list of jar files required for various SDKs.
Enterprise SDK | External | RAS SDK | Viewers SDK | Report Engine SDK | External |
biarengine.jar | backport-util-concurrent-2.2.jar | rasapp.jar | MetafileRenderer.jar | boconfig.jar | xalan.jar |
biplugins.jar | commons-logging.jar | rascore.jar | webreporting.jar | jtools.jar | xercesImpl.jar |
cecore.jar | derby.jar | reporttemplate.jar | webreporting-jsf.jar | rebean.common.jar | xml-apis.jar |
celib.jar | log4j.jar | serialization.jar | rebean.fc.jar | xpp3.jar | |
ceplugins_client.jar | rebean.wi.jar | wilog.jar | |||
ceplugins_core.jar | rebean.jar | ||||
ceplugins_cr.jar | |||||
cereports.jar | |||||
cesession.jar | |||||
ceutils.jar | |||||
corbaidl.jar | |||||
ebus405.jar | |||||
flash.jar | |||||
SL_plugins.jar | |||||
logging.jar | |||||
pluginhelper.jar | |||||
xcelsius.jar |
See Also
1. If you are intergrating interactively webi editor in your application then you also require cdzlet.jar from AnalyticalReporting\WEB-INF\lib
2. If you use SSL then you require a few additional Jars. Check Enterprise Java SDK Developer Guide > Setting up the development Environment > Web application Setup > JAR files needed for deployment of Business Objects Software for a detailed list.
3. For Web Services SDK refer to attached note.
enterprise bo java sdk jar sdk required needed class not found error xi 3.1 xi 31 , KBA , BI-DEV-JAV , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - Java , How To