While passing prompt values from Xcelsius through Qaaws queries to OLAP based universe it shows the following error:
A database error occurred. The database error text is: Failed to execute MDX query. Reason: The component Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Analysis Services 2008. returned server error (Query (1, 66) Parser: The syntax for 'Klockars' is incorrect.). (WIS 10901)
- Xcelsius 2008 SP4
- BusinessObject Enterprise XI 3.1 FP 2.5
- SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition
Reproducing the Issue
1. Create an universe based on OLAP cube.
2. Create a Qaaws query to select a list of items as a prompt and publish it.
3. Create a dashboard based on the same Qaaws query and populate the prompt with a dropdown combo box.
4. When we select the item from the dropdown combo box to call another Qaaws that has a parameter shows the error.
For Example:
5. If you enable the MDX trace and view the queries being passed for the select statement from Qaaws query to the universe then it looks like this:-
Line 1-SELECT { [Measures].DefaultMember } ON COLUMNS , GENERATE ( NS161D46E6C08648D3A6B89A2619BA60C0_5 , { Descendants( [Organization].
Line 2-[Hierarchy].CURRENTMEMBER, [Organization].[Hierarchy].[Senior Vice President], LEAVES) } ) } DIMENSION PROPERTIES MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME,
Query duration: 0.016 seconds
Line 4-[PDR]: DROP SET [PDR].NS161D46E6C08648D3A6B89A2619BA60C0_5
Query duration: 0.000 seconds
Line 5-[PDR]: CREATE SET [PDR].NSF4C6C2384FD43CFAD24C1FF38E1C0BD_6 AS { [Organization].[Hierarchy].[Senior Vice President].&[Dave Goode] }
6. Where the statement in Line 5 shows the parameters being passed with the exact hierarchy i.e. [Organization].[Hierarchy].[Senior Vice President].&[Dave Goode]
7. The Organization is the Object 1, Hierarchy is Object 2,Senior Vice President is Object 3 and Dave Goode is the prompt value.
Xcelsius is not able to parse the prompt values passed from Qaaws query based on OLAP universe even if the data type are same.
- Map the value "[Organization].[Hierarchy].[Senior Vice President].&[Dave Goode]" to one of the cell in the Excel sheet.
- Bind the above cell with the prompt for the QaaWS query.
- Preview the dashboard and it will be able to parse the data.
KBA , BI-RA-XL , Obsolete: BusinessObjects Dashboards and Presentation Design , Problem
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