- Error VL632 "Picked quantity &1 is larger than delivery quantity &2" in LT03
- Cannot create Transfer Order from Delivery
- Rounding issue when creating Transfer order
- Error message VL 632 when posting GI
- Unable to post Goods Issue due to error VL632
- Sales And Distribution (SD)
- Logistics Execution (LE)
- SAP R/3
- SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7
- SAP ERP Central Component
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
SAP ERP Central Component all versions ; SAP ERP all versions ; SAP R/3 Enterprise all versions ; SAP R/3 all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA all versions
VL632, "VL 632", Picked Quantity is larger than the quantity, 0SHP, field TVSHP-GIOVP , overpicking, rounding, creating, LT03, BuM,SuM, ECC, "Kommissionierte Menge &1 ist größer als Liefermenge &2", "A qtd.picking &1 é superior à quantidade fornecida &2", "Cantidad de picking &1 es mayor que cantidad de entrega &2" , KBA , LE-WM-TFM , Warehouse Movements , Problem
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