- Crystal Reports crash.
- When adding more than one table to a report, Crystal Reports crash.
- When trying to link tables from a DB2 iSeries in Crystal Reports, it crash.
- SAP Crystal Reports 2008
- SAP Crystal Reports 2011
- SAP Crystal Reports 2013
- SAP Crystal Reports 2016
- IBM DB2 AS400 iSeries
Reproducing the Issue
- In Crystal Reports, create a new report off an ODBC connection to an IBM DB2 iSeries.
- Add one table. It works.
- Add a second table, and click on the Link tab. Then Crystal Reports crash.
- ODBC Driver Access permission issue or configuration issues on the database side.
- To help narrow the issue, test connecting to the IBM DB2 iSeries data source using the same ODBC driver outside of Crystal Reports. For example, connect to the IBM DB2 iSeries from MS Access.
- If the issue can be reproduced with another application, the issue is potentially on the database side, therefore we will suggest to contact your IBM DB2 Database Administrator, or contact IBM support.
- To resolve this issue, make sure the value for "AccessMode" registry key is set to 0x00000000 (0)
WARNING The following resolution involves editing the Microsoft Windows Registry. Using the MS Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems. Use the MS Windows Registry Editor at your own risk. Refer to the SAP Knowledge Base Article 1323322 for more information.
- In MS Windows on the Start menu, click Run.
- Type "Regedit", then click OK.
- In the Microsoft Registry Editor, navigate to the path corresponding to the version of the product used:
- Crystal Reports 2008:
- 32bit version of MS Windows:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\Suite 12.0\Crystal Reports\Database - 64bit version of MS Windows:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Business Objects\Suite 12.0\Crystal Reports\Database - Crystal Reports 2011, 2013, 2016:
- 32bit version of MS Windows:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SAP BusinessObjects\Suite XI 4.0\Crystal Reports\Database - 64bit version of MS Windows:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SAP BusinessObjects\Suite XI 4.0\Crystal Reports\Database - Right click on the Database registry key > select New > Key > name the key ODBC
- Right click the ODBC key > select New > DWord value > name it AccessMode
- Make sure the value is default: 0x00000000 (0)
- Restart the Crystal Reports.
Additionally make sure the access granted on all layers including DSN configuration. See the screenshot below:
crystal, crash, link tables, ibm db2, acessmode, cr, JDE, JD Edwards, Error: message = [IBM][System i Access ODBC Driver]Statement violates access rule: Connection is set to read only., sqlstate = 42000, native code = 30186 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Problem