SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1621870 - setDataSource fails for command table


  • Changing the data source of the report from a Command Table using a Java result set which is being passed using the setDataSource method at runtime, error message "Unexpected database connector error.." is displayed.
  • It works fine when table from database is used directly instead of Command table.


  • Crystal Reports 2008
  • Tomcat 5.5
  • Crystal Reports for Java 2.8

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Install Tomcat 5.5.
  2. Attached is the war file. The report with command table is also attached in the war file.
  3. Save attached war file in the webapps folder of Tomcat.
  4. Give the appropriate path of the report in jrc_resultset_datasource.jsp file.
  5. Download CRJ 2.8 from
  6. Place the lib folder from the crjava_runtime1222091094 into CRJ/WEB-INF and crystalreportviewers folder from crjava_runtime1222091094 into CRJ.
  7. Start Tomcat.
  8. Open the browser and type http://localhost:8080/CRJ/jrc_resultset_datasource/jrc_resultset_datasource.jsp
  9. "Unexpected database connector error.." is displayed.


  • This issue has been identified and logged under Problem ID ADAPT01539817.


  • There is no workaround & solution to this problem.


change the data source, setDataSource, Command Table, Unexpected database connector error, ADAPT01539817. , KBA , BI-DEV-JAV , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - Java , Problem


Crystal Reports 2008 V1
