- Changing the data source of the report from a Command Table using a Java result set which is being passed using the setDataSource method at runtime, error message "Unexpected database connector error.." is displayed.
- It works fine when table from database is used directly instead of Command table.
- Crystal Reports 2008
- Tomcat 5.5
- Crystal Reports for Java 2.8
Reproducing the Issue
- Install Tomcat 5.5.
- Attached is the war file. The report with command table is also attached in the war file.
- Save attached war file in the webapps folder of Tomcat.
- Give the appropriate path of the report in jrc_resultset_datasource.jsp file.
- Download CRJ 2.8 from
- Place the lib folder from the crjava_runtime1222091094 into CRJ/WEB-INF and crystalreportviewers folder from crjava_runtime1222091094 into CRJ.
- Start Tomcat.
- Open the browser and type http://localhost:8080/CRJ/jrc_resultset_datasource/jrc_resultset_datasource.jsp
- "Unexpected database connector error.." is displayed.
- This issue has been identified and logged under Problem ID ADAPT01539817.
- There is no workaround & solution to this problem.
change the data source, setDataSource, Command Table, Unexpected database connector error, ADAPT01539817. , KBA , BI-DEV-JAV , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - Java , Problem
Crystal Reports 2008 V1
Attachments |