Tree Map component in Xcelsius displays black color by default, despite of setting the series color to any other color, when value of color intensity is set to same.
Xcelsius 2008 SP3 FP3.5
Reproducing the Issue
- Launch Xcelsius.
- Insert a Tree Map component from Charts.
- In the Excel spreadsheet, enter Labels (for example: Label1, Label2, Label3….)
- Enter values for size and values for color intensity.
- For color intensity set all same values.
- In the Properties window > General tab, add a Series. Click on By Series and add series.
- In Series, click on Display Labels and map with labels in Excel.
- Click on Values (Size) and map with the values in Excel.
- Click on Values (Color Intensity) and map the values in Excel.
- Go to the Appearance tab > Color > Background Color, select a color other than black for series. The color of the map becomes black.
The issue has been identified as a defect and is currently escalated to Product Group under ADAPT01556550.
This issue has been targetted to be fixed in Fix Pack 3.7 for Xcelsius 2008.
Xcelsius,tree map,color intensity , KBA , BI-RA-XL , Obsolete: BusinessObjects Dashboards and Presentation Design , Bug Filed
SAP BusinessObjects Xcelsius Enterprise 2008