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1623316 - Changes in a web service are not reflected in Visual Composer.


  1. Error occurred while executing the service: Backend function, <Service>.<operation> not found in getFunction:.
  2. Backend function, <Service>.<operation> not found.
  3. Error occurred while executing the service: while trying to invoke the method com.sapportals.connector.metadata.functions.IFunction.getParameters().



Visual Composer 7.1 CE Ehp1  and up

Visual Composer 7.2 CE and up

Visual Composer 7.3 and up


SAP NetWeaver 7.3 ; SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment 7.2 ; SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment 7.1


development ws connector cache disable , KBA , EP-VC-CON , Visual Composer Connectivity , EP-CON-WS , Portal Connector to Web Services , How To

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