- What is the best practice to change datastore definitions when the referenced databases are upgraded in the environment?
- When defining a datastore in Data Services the database version has to be entered. The version cannot be changed after that and when editing the datastore it will show as read only field. What is the best way to change the value of the data base version?
- After database has been upgraded, datastore configurations need to change and update without having to recreate the datastore or export\import of datastore to not break the links/dataflows that need it
- How to change a datastore configuration in Designer
- When you select Edit option of an existing datastore in the Local Object Library, the database version field is grayed out and cannot be changed.
All versions of SAP Data Services
SAP Data Services all versions
db, database, datastore, ds, update, upgrade, configuration, updated, BODS , DS , store , data base, oracle, MSSQL, upgrading, installation , KBA , EIM-DS-EXE , Job Execution , How To
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