- The List of Values in a dynamic parameter is limited to 200 entries by default
- How to increase this limit in an application using VS2010 and Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 (CRVS2010)?
- Visual Studio 2010
- Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010
- The number of entries in the List of Values can be defined in the app.config or web.config files
- From the SAP Crystal Reports .NET SDK Developer Guide (maxNumberListOfValues):
The maxNumberListOfValues element controls the number of LOV items that will be sent to the client. This controls the number of values displayed in the parameter panel. When this value is set, only the first n values will appear in a list of values. You will be able to page through multiple sets of values in the Advanced dialog box based on the size of your list, and the value of the maxNumberListOfValues element. For example, if you have 180 values, and you set the maxNumberListOfValues element to 50, then you will be able to see the first 50 values listed in the parameter panel. You will be able to page through all 180 values in the Advanced dialog box, which will display three groups of 50 values, and one group of 30 values. It is recommended that this value always be greater than 0. The default value is 200.
- Example:
<sectionGroup name="businessObjects">
<sectionGroup name="crystalReports">
<section name="crystalReportViewer" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler" />
<add key="maxNumberListOfValues" value="50"/>
See Also
- For documentation of all app.config \ web.config options search the SAP Crystal Reports .NET SDK Developer Guide for "web.config"
CR2010 2010 CR4VS2010 CR4VS VS2010 NET2010 Crystal Reports for .NET Framework 4.0 crforvs 13 , KBA , BI-DEV-NET-SDK , .NET SDK / COM SDK , How To