SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1626954 - Images missing when exporting a report to MS Excel-Data Only format from Crystal Reports


  • Pictures are not exported.
  • When exporting a report that contains images to MS Excel - Data Only format from Crystal Reports, the images are not exported.
  • When viewing a report on demand and exporting it to MS Excel Data Only, or Scheduling reports to MS Excel Data Only format, the images are not present in the MS Excel file.


  • SAP Crystal Reports 2011
  • SAP Crystal Reports 2013
  • SAP Crystal Reports 2016
  • SAP Crystal Reports 2020

Reproducing the Issue

  1. In Crystal Reports, create a report off any data source.
  2. Add an image to the report.
  3. Export the report to MS Excel - Data Only.
    When opening the exported report in MS Excel, notice the image is missing.


  • By default, when exporting to MS Excel - Data Only, it only export the data. It is possible to change how the report export by changing the Crystal Reports Export options.
  • If the option to export to MS Excel - Data Only is set to export images, and the images are still missing, then the issue occurs because the report's images are Repository objects and the images are missing from the repository.


  • Set the default exporting option for the report to export images when exporting to MS Excel - Data Only:
    1. Open the report in Crystal Reports.
    2. Under the menu 'File,' select 'Export - Report Export Options...'
    3. In the window "Set Default Export Options",  select the format  'Microsoft Excel (97-2003) Data Only' and then click: OK
    4. On the 'Excel Format Options' screen, check the option: 'Export Images' and click OK, to save the default option.
       MS Excel - Export Options.png
    5. Save the report.
      Now, when exporting the report from Crystal Reports designer, or exporting it from the SAP BI Platform, it will export the images to MS Excel.
  • If the report's images are stored in the SAP BusinessObjects Repository:
    1. Ensure the images still exist in the SAP BusinessObjects Repository.
    2. When saving the report to SAP BusinessObjects Repository, ensure the option 'Enable Repositoy Refresh' option is checked.
    3. When migrating reports from one SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform environment to another using the Import Wizard, ensure the Repository objects are selected.


CR, XLS, picture, image. , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Problem


SAP Crystal Reports 2011 ; SAP Crystal Reports 2013 ; SAP Crystal Reports 2016 ; SAP Crystal Reports 2020